Friday, March 26, 2010

i think i can, i think i can...i KNOW i can (?)

The words “I can’t” have turned into my own personal motto. My father would be so disappointed! Throughout my childhood, my dad would not accept the words “I can’t”, claiming that we can do anything we put our minds to. Somewhere along the way, however, those words not only became a pervasive personal slogan, but a source of comfort. It has always been so much easier to admit failure before trying than to fail from trying. Of course this does not really make much sense because how productive can one be if they aren’t willing to actually DO anything? That’s where I differ, and Joanne said it perfectly when she described me as a “frustrated perfectionist.” I want everything to be perfect, and I have visions of pure perfection in my head, but to actually carry out said visions seems literally impossible, so I give up. So far, what I have come to understand is that the idea of perfection is in fact impossible. Nothing can be perfect. So now my focus has to be on eliminating the need to be perfect, which will rid myself of so much frustration.

Ugh, I am just so irritated with myself. I feel as though I have nothing to blog about unless it has to do with what I feel is wrong with me. And if I’M annoyed with myself, I can only imagine how frustrated others are with my discussing the same ol’ topic. Part of my lack of blog topic is due to the fact that I have (still) not started my volunteering. I am not sure what exactly it is about the experience that I am avoiding. Perhaps it’s the level of avoidance itself that is provoking so much anxiety, which leads to more avoiding. I am disappointed because I am most certainly missing out a key element of this experience. While I am still planning on completing the twenty hours before April 5th, I will not be affording the focus and dedication my time spent volunteering requires and deserves because, at this point, I am simply trying to get them done for the mark. In light of that, and to hopefully get the experience that my fellow BB'ers have so far been a part of, I am making plans to volunteer this summer in my home community of Pickering. Perhaps with less pressure, I will be able to enjoy and gain the full experience of what it means to support my community through my offered time.

Wait! I just thought of something that is positive!! This past Monday, as part of my SMF 208 Family, Couple, & Marriage Therapy course, I took part in the annual poster presentation symposium. Me and my group watch the film "Fight Club", and we were responsible for choosing an area of oppression. From that, we had to create an anti-oppression framework from which therapists could apply in their therapeutic sessions. After watching the film, it was clear that we were dealing with the issue of male oppression. Many might be reading that and thinking, 'How on earth can men be oppressed?' Well, we certainly had difficulty articulating that ourselves, but after a month of processing, my group and I, with the help of some outside sources (thank you so much, V!), we finally were able to confidently support and stand behind our belief that men are in fact oppressed due to their need to live up to the numerous, yet hidden expectations of what it is to be male in society. From that oppression, and because men have to constantly defend their position of power when threatened by women, the queer community, and non-whites, men in turn oppress others to maintain the status quo of society. This was a message that was difficult to get across to those who visited our poster, however we were pleased by our conviction and how we were able to articulate a problem that is so pervasive yet invisible.

After the symposium, I began to really think about what our group had just done, and how much sense it all makes. As I reflected, I was struck by how much it applies to my potential experience in Beyond Borders, particularly if I head off to India (oh, by the way, Jenn, if you're reading this, I am interested in going to India in September!!...we'll talk later :P). When I spoke with Joanne the other day in regards to where I am headed in this program, she spoke of the potential difficulties I will face being a woman in India (or any other developing nation, for that matter). In applying my experience of defending men and their own oppression, I feel as though I am able to be more sympathetic toward their social location and their need to uphold their power. (Most) men are not villains who consciously oppress women and other minority groups. Instead, many of them are products of their environments. Like so many of us, men are raised with the hidden message that they are superior and the only way to maintain that superiority is to make others feel inferior. Likewise, the rest of society are raised with the (hidden) notion that men need to be all of these things, regardless of how they actually feel (i.e. some men might be more emotional, but because emotionality is viewed as a feminine characteristic, men hide that part of themselves to maintain the stereotype that men are stoic, non-expressive, creatures, void of any "weak" emotions). Therefore, I hope that my experience on Monday has afforded me the opportunity to interact with all men with more patience. Not only will this improve my interactions with these men, but will also provide me a better opportunity to reach them on a deeper level. This is really exciting to me because this particular placement in India would not only allow me to stand up for the rights of women, but also for that of men. We can't forget about them!

1 comment:

  1. I am really glad that you have started your volunteer hours and are committed to getting them finished before the deadline. I think getting them done will be wonderful confirmation for you that you are capable of getting things done, and that "I can't" does NOT equal "tina cant".

    India sounds like a great opportunity. I can not way for this to come to fruition for you!
